A Wooly Baby is Born!

Our wee Wooly Baby was born June 30 at 9:19 am. He weighed 7 lbs 14 ozs, and is gorgeous with a full head of blonde hair and blue eyes like his dad.

Labour at home with the midwife was fantastic until little baby decided to take his time coming. We had to transfer to hospital after 13 hours, and had some help encouraging him to arrive. This has left me very sore and immobile, but we did not have to have a c-section.

Baby is almost back to his birth weight and LOVES breastfeeding, so is getting plump little cheeks already. What a ride the past 6 days, it is an experience I couldn't imagine, and worth every single minute.

It may be a week or two before I can post again- consider it our Babymoon- but we'll be back.


  1. Anonymous said...
    Congrats - very cute little guy!

    Glad everything turned out ok.

    Kelly said...
    Congrats, that's great news and he's beautiful!
    Anonymous said...
    i'm glad everything went well, even though you had to transfer to the hospital! he's very precious :) take your time coming back. we'll still be here!
    Anonymous said...
    he's beautiful..congratulations to you and your husband :)
    Dimples said...
    CONGRATS!!!! OMG he is soo cute. I want him. lol!
    A. Marigold said...
    John Champaign said...
    Woot! Congrats!!!
    Anonymous said...
    real cute :-)

    Congratulations to both of you.

    - May
    Anonymous said...
    congratulations! i feel like it's been building for a while and it's exciting that the little guy is finally here!
    Anonymous said...
    he's gorgeous! congratulations to you both!
    Canadian Saver said...
    I am so late... sorry!

    Congratulations :-( He is gorgeous!
    Anonymous said...

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