Dear CIBC... You can....

Well you already know what you can do CIBC. You can kiss my .....

We are ALMOST all switched over to the new credit union. But now CIBC will not take 2 of my loan payments out of a non-CIBC account. The only options are: 1) I walk in and pay them once a month, or 2) I keep the chequing account open and continue paying the $4 a month service charges. Guess what option busy and slightly lazy me took. Oh I am so frustrated by this bank, I just had to vent :)

I will try and let it go by thinking how much better the credit union has been right from day one...

1 Comment:

  1. Anonymous said...
    I converted to credit unions 3 years ago. While they aren't perfect, they do get a lot more 'right' than the banks! Would your credit union give you a loan enabling you to pay out CIBC (is it an open loan, ie., you can pay it off anytime?) That CIBC insists you pay out of one of their own accounts is criminal!

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